The South Oxford Farmers and Community Market (or Sofacoma) is a weekly market selling locally grown and produced food and non-food goods. Bread, organic veg, meat, eggs, street foods, refill detergents and wholefood refills.
The market community aims to offer an alternative to the ‘supermarket weekly shop’:
- Selling ethically-produced local, seasonal and/or organic food and non-food goods;
- Produced within a 30-mile radius of Oxford and containing a significant quantity of local ingredients and/or labour;
- Supporting Fairtrade or similar organisations;
- Selling environmentally-friendly household products and packaging-free goods;
- Supporting local enterprises that add substantial community value to the market.
- Addressing some of the challenges of our day: e.g. packaging, sustainability, food sovereignty, the local economy.
What are the South Oxford Farmers and Community Market opening hours?
The market is held every Sunday from 10.00-12.00 in courtyard of the South Oxford Community Centre, Lake Street.